V6 box

Control your Virgin V6 or TiVo box from an Arduino

The other day I was watching TV on a Virgin V6 box when I thought how convenient it would be to be able to ask Alexa to change the channel; I started scrolling through the menus when I stumbled across a setting for “Network Remote Control” that was disabled. There was no information on what […]

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Building an RN52 Bluetooth MetaData Display with Arduino

If you want to get started with creating your own 16×2 HD44780 LCD display for interfacing with a Microchip RN52 or a Doayee BAL, use the buttons to find out more about our Arduino library, or the Bluetooth Audio Link project itsself. To see the specific example sketch referenced by this post, click here. You […]

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Goodbye Arduino, Hello STM32

Arduino is great. It’s easy to use, understand and the online community can answer just about any question you have. As a beginner it was exactly what I needed to dip my toes in the water, just enough problem solving to keep me interested, and enough excitement to fuel me. Most projects I’ve done to […]

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Bluetooth Audio Link – BAL is GO!

Good evening everyone! We have just launched the Kickstarter campaign for the Bluetooth audio link – BAL. Please have a look at our Kickstarter page, it is here: Kickstarter Please find all documentation under the BAL link at the top of this page.

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BAL Launch – We are nearly there

Hi everyone, Today we are submitting our kickstarter campaign for aproval for the new BAL – Bluetooth audio link. As you can see from the previous posts, it has been a long time in development, but we are nearly there! We have a brand new board capable of bluetooth audio streaming through an amplifier and […]

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Nixie Tube Clock

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOTFPa6vBL4 So as you can see in the video above, I made a nixie tube clock. It looks something like this (infact it looks exactly like this, because this is a picture of it): Below is the schematic for the project, as you can see I’m using 6 IN12 nixie tubes, each with it’s own […]

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Homebrew GPS

Hey Guys, So this project isn’t actually new, I did this around a year and a half ago, but it’s still cool (I think) and still relevant so I may as well share it. This is my homebrew GPS unit! So the first thing you may notice is it’s not exactly neat, well hey? I […]

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Sparkfun Dumpster Dive!

Hey guys! So recently I ordered a Sparkfun Dumpster Dive from, well, Sparkfun… Above is the video of me unboxing it. If you want to see the photos in a bit higher detail, then check below, also links to most of the products can be found below too (the ones I could find). I unbox […]

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Tremolo Effects Pedal – Part 2!

So you may recall I was designing a tremolo effects pedal for my friend. Well I got the boards back (lovely quality from OSHPark) and soldered them up and, well see for yourself! Above is the circuit for the project, which I have broken down into little bits. Hopefully it’ll be easier to understand that […]

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Tremolo Effects Pedal

So for my friends birthday, I decided I’d get him something a little more personal than just a bar of chocolate say, or some money. So I set out to design and build him a Tremolo effects pedal for guitar! First of course, I needed to figure out how a Tremolo pedal works, I’d heard […]

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