BAL Launch – We are nearly there

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Hi everyone,

Today we are submitting our kickstarter campaign for aproval for the new BAL – Bluetooth audio link. As you can see from the previous posts, it has been a long time in development, but we are nearly there! We have a brand new board capable of bluetooth audio streaming through an amplifier and pop filter so you can use it in any high end sound system. Not only that but we have broken out all the pins on the RN52, as well as making sure you can get into the inner workings of the chip so you can control the controlled device from your computer or any micro controller with a serial out function. If the BAL is connected to a phone, you can also use it to make and answer phonecalls.

The video for our board is here: Video

To find out much more about the BAL find all the documentation on the BAL menu link above.

Please have a look at our campaign, the link is: KickStarter

And finally, thank you to all the people on Reddit who are helping us out before the launch! Please join in the conversation – Reddit

Jacob Rawson

Posted in BAL, Blog, Kickstarter Campaigns.

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