RN52 Arduino Library
The Doayee RN52 Arduino Library is a detailed library for use with the RN52 Bluetooth Audio module from Microchip. The library is designed to be used with the features of the v1.16 firmware for the RN52. It allows for convenient communication with the RN52 module, using a microcontroller rather than a command line interface. This enables much greater usability and the ability to run groups of commands on demand with minimal user input.
The vast majority of features available when communicating with the RN52 in "Command Mode" are included in this library. All the relevant downloads are available above. The library itself is available from GitHub, with example sketches included. An online command guide is also available to assist with development.
The library is also available as an RN52 ESP Arduino library that is compatible with the ESP8266 running the arduino core.
16x2 LCD Support
Want to add a standard 16x2 LCD screen to your RN52 or BAL? We have written a feature rich example sketch bundled with our library to enable you to display scrolling information about the track title, artist, track number, album and connected device. Just plug in and play!
BAL - RN52 Development Board
We wrote this RN52 Arduino Library to be used in conjunction with our BAL – Bluetooth Audio Link, a feature rich RN52 development kit with on-board amplifier, and broken out pins. See its product page if you would like to purchase one. You can also be use the library with any RN52 module, using information found here.
If you have any queries or require support regarding the RN52 Arduino Library, please contact us using the BAL support pages.